Upcoming Webinars
The National Council on School Facilities is pleased to announce webinar presentations that will provide technical support on current school facilities issues. These webinars are now open to all school facilities and industry personnel.
May 31st – “Design & Operation Guidance: Prioritization for Indoor Air Quality in Educational Facilities” Presented by SafeTraces. This webinar will provide practical, actionable guidance on how to best implement indoor air quality (IAQ) improvements, including risk mitigation strategies, in educational facilities. It will help facilitate discussion between facilities and non-facilities stakeholders, identify minimum recommendations provided by the CDC and ASHRAE, and discuss planning, budgeting (including grant funding opportunities), and program management considerations to improve IAQ and reduce the transmission risk of infectious pathogens and other contaminants of concern.
The webinar will be led by Erik Malmstrom, CEO of SafeTraces, and Raj Setty, President & Owner of Setty & Associates, two leading practitioners who have successfully developed and implemented IAQ programs for K-12 school districts nationally, drawing from ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.7's recently released publication, "Design Guidance for Educational Facilities: Prioritization for Advanced IAQ." Please register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrd-qsrjkuGt34SP6sI9Dp1suM518OXOYR