Roundtable Discussion on School Security and the Connection with School Facilities
/In early October, The National Council of School Security Directors (NCSSD) in partnership with the National Council on School Facilities and the 21st Century School Fund, held a roundtable discussion on the intersection of school facilities and school security. Attendees included federal elected officials’, federal agencies, school facilities and safety advocacy groups, and professional organizations.
The conversation centered on specific areas of intersection between security and facilities, potential areas of coordination and the effective use of available resources. The major takeaway and general consensus of the group was that currently silos exist limiting effective cooperation, coordination, and effective use of available resources. The planed next step is to identify missing players for inclusion and plan a second meeting in a half-day format to map the path forward.
For questions regarding the NCSSD, reach out to Guy Bliesner, NCSF President at